This stunning jackalope was crafted by the talented master carver Luis Pablo. The jackalope, a mythical creature from North American...
Unique contemporary giraffe sculpture by top Oaxacan artist Luis Pablo. This beautiful angular giraffe has a special modernistic...
Fantastic sitting unicorn created by top Oaxacan artist Luis Pablo. He is certainly one of the most innovative...
 Spectacular Pacific Northwest Coast turtle woodcarving by top Oaxaca artist Luis Pablo.  This wonderful tortuga has such a gorgeous painted design, it...
Superb one-piece Brachiosaurus dinosaur sculpture by the very talented married artists Neri and Soledad Cruz. Neri & Soledad create...
Gorgeous one-piece woodcarving sculpture of an Australian Koala by top Oaxaca artist Luis Pablo.  He is one of the...
Stunning large seal woodcarving by top Oaxaca woodcarving artist Luis Pablo.  Luis is recognized for his innovative wood...
Splendid hammerhead shark sculpture by married couple Jose Calvo and Magaly Fuentes. Jose carves all of their beautiful...
This one-piece Amethyst Owl sculpture is a true masterpiece, created by the talented Oaxacan woodcarving artist Nicolas Morales...
Fabulous Kiwi wood sculpture by top Oaxaca artist Luis Pablo. Luis Pablo created this unique flightless New Zealand...
Stunning Panda wood sculpture by top Oaxaca artist Luis Pablo. He adorned it with a painted design in...
Superb one-piece standing mouse sculpture by the talented Oaxacan woodcarving artist Pedro Carreño. Pedro combined traditional Zapotec fretwork...